Visuals and Video in Dental Marketing

Visuals and Video in Dental Marketing


The profession of dentistry has a long tradition. While that’s a great strength in many ways it can also lead to some issues when interacting with the current business landscape. Dentistry has been a bit slow to pick up on 21st-century marketing practices, in particular the importance of visuals and video in dental marketing. This can be a critical error, as visual content is a powerful tool for marketing your dental practice. By understanding the role that visuals and video play in dental marketing, dental professionals can place themselves in a much stronger position vis a vis making marketing and branding decisions. 

The importance of visuals and video for dental practices and their marketing comes down to a core fact about marketing and media as a whole: the current media environment favors visual content. While in the past keyword-rich text content was a priority for search engines, that sort of written content now shares the stage with visual content. Both are equally important, due to the rise in mobile device culture and the Internet of Things. For reaching potential clients where they are, any dental practice needs engaging visual and video marketing. 

Another factor in the growing importance of visuals and video in dental marketing is that social media is a vital tool for practices of all sizes. Social media–Facebook, Instagram, and the like–are the preferred tool for many consumers when looking for a business or service. For dental practices, social media marketing is a vital tool due to the nature of the care you provide. Effective social media marketing allows your practice to showcase its personality, its quality of care, and the way you relate to your patients.  It provides a means of connecting with both established and potential patients, which makes social media–and its visual content–a key component of your practice’s marketing and outreach.

With potential patients in mind, there’s another key component of visual and video marketing that affects dental practices: consumer attitudes and desires are changing. Your potential patients have a new set of expectations for the businesses they engage with, and those expectations are constantly evolving. Responsiveness, openness, and an energetic attitude are all critical components of a successful marketing or branding strategy now, and visual content is a potent tool for projecting those characteristics to potential patients. Simply put: visuals and videos are refreshing, engaging, and informative in a way that contemporary consumers find appealing. And that appeal in turn translates into more new patients coming into your practice. 

With the growing importance of good visuals and videos in dental marketing, the next step for successful dental practices is implementation. This is a complex process involving selecting the right technology, the right production and composition of content, and identifying the right audience. With all that in place, skilled touch and thorough knowledge of the media landscape bring a successful marketing plan together. In an ever-evolving field,  successful dental marketing often requires an experienced and professional approach. At Dentamarketing, we understand both the needs of the dental profession and the cutting-edge approaches required by the contemporary marketing landscape. 

Your practice needs that edge to attract new patients and continue your professional growth. With that in mind, get in touch with us today and we’ll start building the next phase of your success. 


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